Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)Three Years Degree Course

  1. The course leading to the Bachelor of Science degree shall extend over three academic years and comprise foundation course, core course as prescribed under University ordinances.
  2. For admissions to B.Sc. Courses, a candidate must have passed the Intermediate Examination in Science (i.e. with subjects including Physics, Chemistry and either Mathematics or Biology) of the Intermediate Board (or of any Indian University duly incorporated by any law in force for time being) or (ii) any other examination recognized by the University as equivalent thereto. Provide that a candidate, who has passed the intermediate Examination (or an equivalent examination) in Agriculture may be permitted to take up B.Sc. Course in Science Group.
  1. (A) The Rastriya Gaurav & Environmental Studies shall be studied in the first year only. The core course shall be studied in all three years.
  2. (B) The Core Course shall be in following subjects :
    (i) Physics
    (ii) Chemistry
    (iii) Mathematics
    (iv) Zoology
    (v) Botany
  3. (C) A candidate shall be required to opt for any one group out of the following and take three subjects as his core course which shall continue in all the three years.
    Physical Science Group :
    1. Mathematics
    2. Physics
    3. Chemistry
    Life Science Group :
    1. Botany
    2. Zoology
    3. Chemistry
  4. The examination shall be conducted by means of written paper and will include practical in core courses other than mathematics.

बी.एस.सी. (पाठ्‌यक्रम), बायो एवं मैथविज्ञान संकाय (त्रिवर्षीय पाठ्‌यक्रम)

त्रिवर्षीय पाठ्‌यक्रम के बी.एस.सी. (प्रथम वर्ष) में प्रवेष लेने वाले छात्र/छात्राओं को निम्नलिखित विषयों का अध्ययन करना होगा।

(अ) अनिवार्य विषय—
      1. राष्ट्र गौरव तथा पर्यावरणीय अध्ययन
(ब) केवल किसी एक वर्ग (Group) का चयन अनिवार्य है

निम्नलिखित वर्ग (Group) में से किसी एक वर्ग को चुनना होगा। विधार्थी चयनित वर्ग को वरीयता क्रम में आवेदन पत्र में लिखें।

वर्ग (Group)) —1:
  1. भौतिक विज्ञान (Physics)
  2. रसायन विज्ञान (Chemistry)
  3. गणित (Mathematics)
वर्ग (Group)) —2:
  1. जन्तु विज्ञान (Zoology)
  2. वनस्पति (Botany)
  3. रसायन विज्ञान (Chemistry)
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