Career World Degree College's goal as a College is to ensure that our classrooms are interactive, engaging, inspiring and provide a sound foundation for students' independent learning.

Our faculty members are carefully selected based on their research and teaching abilities experience. The Vajirao Degree College also undertakes regular capacity-building programmes for its faculty. The College ensures genuine lab sizes, which allow personal attention to students. The focus in the lab, library and laboratory is on practical and participative learning, with teaching methodologies carefully selected to deliver on the learning outcomes for a particular subject. The faculty at Vajirao Degree College is encouraged to tailor their teaching methodology to suit the needs of students in the class.

Geography Lab

Geography lab’s primary function is to serve as a teaching laboratory. The physical geography lab contains an extensive topographic map collection, various areal photos, and a variety of apparatus and teaching aids essential for weekly completion of student’s lab experiments. A second function of the lab is to serve as a storage repository for various types of equipment used by faculty and students for research. In addition, the lab is used to conduct various forms of soil analysis.

Zoology Lab

The lab work undertaken is to provide practical about Invertebrates, Vertebrates & animal physiology etc. to undergraduate students.

Sphygmomanometer, Hemoglobinometer, Blood group testing kit, RBC, WBC counting apparatus, animal dissection apparatuses, compound microscopes are instruments present in lab. Zoology lab is providing basic and advance knowledge about the animals by morphological, physiological and anatomical aspects (by dissection). It is helping the students of Biotechnology for better understanding of animal models which are used in this field.

Chemistry Laboratory

College chemistry is a comprehensive overview or general chemistry topics, plus usually a little organic chemistry and biochemistry. This is an index of college chemistry topics which you can use to help study college chemistry or to get an idea of what to expect if you are thinking about taking college chemistry.

(C) A candidate shall be required shall be required to opt for any one group out of the following and take three subjects as his core course which shall continue in all the three years.

Physical Science Group: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

Life Science Group: Botany, Zoology, Chemistry

The examination shall be conducted by means of written papers and will include practical in core courses.

Physics Lab

Physics is the most basic natural science and considers physical systems ranging in size from nuclear, to atoms, to the cosmos. It is an extremely board field, with many sub-fields. Understanding the forces and laws that underpin the interactions of matter and energy form a major part of the discipline. Applying this understanding to other sciences and technology offers numerous opportunities for the well trained physicist.


The college has good Central Library with over 80,000 books, a reading room, open access and reference section for post-graduate and research students. Most of the departments have departmental libraries for Post-Graduate students. For poor and needy students, there is also a Text-Book section in the library from where a limited number of text books may be issued for the entire session on payment of nominal fee. The students are expected to make full use of library facilities available. Separate rules for the use of the library facilities may be seen on the library notice board from time to time.

The college library also provides INFLIBNET facility to the faculty members research scholars and post graduate students to consult more than 80 thousand e-journals and e-books.

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